Heyyy yooooooo!
Today I have gotten out of the house for the first time this week! I am breathing in that fresh air like there’s no tomorrow!
I took Daisy out for a walk and then decided I needed to get some work done so first I went to introduce myself to the local businesses and then off to Astley Book Farm to learn the new catalogue and have a milkshake.
There’s a few of my friends that like going to Astley Book Farm and we are between us trying all the flavours of milkshake (there are quite a few!) and between us find the best one. Today’s choice was Cotton Candy. Believe it or not it was blue… I was expecting pink! It was lovely though! Just the perfect amount of sweet and my teeth don’t hurt from it like if I ate cotton candy.
I’m also becoming obsessed with all thing Mrs Hinch… which I am sure I’m a little late on the uptake of this one but between her book and Marie Kondo’s Book I am, for the first time since I had post natal ocd with my first son (19.5 years ago), excited to clean!
I have been struggling a lot with my medication and pain levels recently but I am super proud to say I have still managed to achieve Senior Consultant with my The Body Shop At Home business. I am aiming for Executive by the end of this month and Area Manager by June! So if you know anyone looking for a fun and flexible opportunity, feel free to send them my way!
Love & Blessings!
Loopy xx