Day 5… Re organisation and building my tribe!

Heyyy yoooo!

I hope you are all well. Yesterday I was impatient to watch Hocus Pocus and may have been slightly guilty of rushing through my blog post…. eeek! I am positive that I am not the only one that rushes through something important to get to the next important thing. Even so, I promise to try and not do that again as anyone reading this and especially those that stick with me by following this blog and becoming part of this tribe of amazing and inspiring people, mean everything to me! If you would like a personal invite to follow this blog then drop me an email to [email protected] and I would be privileged to send that invite.

So today I focused my energy on starting to think about what will come next for Loopy Laura… I have so many things I want to do and so many exciting ways to hopefully entertain and build a beautiful and positive community that can support each other through tough times and celebrate the triumphs in life. So watch this space… things will be happening soon and I hope we can go on this journey together.

I went to Bedworth and did the little bit of shopping and errand running that I had to get done and then took Isobel to the park to run that energy off. This plan meant that I could get quite a lot done this afternoon. I set up my new organisation system. Its similar to what I had already been doing before my Mum died (mentioned in previous blog posts) and for obvious reasons fallen out of the habit of doing. I have tweaked it and streamlined it a little more but I am happy with it. I am brain dumping all of my to do’s onto one big list and each day I will go through that list to pick my 3-4 things for that day. Most days I get a lot more done than them 3-4 things but it does make sure that the most urgent things are seen too before they would flash red on a A&E target board.

The next thing I sorted was the things I have to do everyday and allocated them to my calendar so I don’t even have to think about what I need to do next as my calendar will tell me what I need to know.

When I got to Bedworth Isobel had gone to sleep in her pushchair (I feel like she has got it spot on to go to sleep everytime she is bored hehe). I took advantage of this situation by going for a coffee so that I could check my list and plan my attack on the shops. It turned out that I had done a pretty good job of my list and it was pretty straight forward (what a bull shirt excuse to sit and have a coffee!)… so having left the book I was reading at home I started a different book that I had on my phone. It called Darkside Of Sunset Pointe by Michael Allan Scott and I was rivited immediately! I actually can’t wait to keep reading!

Another thing I did today that was exciting for me… I may regret sharing this in a public way but I downloaded a dictionary app… it gives you a word of the day… this makes me very happy… probably a little to happy… but hey its free and I clearly have not filled my days up enough! Here’s todays word of the day!…

That’s about all I have today…

Love and Blessings, Loopy Laura xx

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