Hey yoooooo!
Sooo it’s been a few weeks and I haven’t blogged. This has been for a few reasons but the biggest reason being that I quit my job. Yes, I have officially lost the plot… but luckily I’m finding my plot in the form of a book that I have started writing. I’m becoming an author. I do feel like I’m telling people I am becoming an actor. It isn’t as crazy as it sounds though because it had been my plan to do this for a while before I even mentioned it to anyone, and certainly a while before I quit my job. Although, the quitting my job wasn’t the plan until it became clear that it was.
Which leads me to what I want to share with you today…
Since I became Christian I’ve become aware of the guidance I get from Our Father. It’s always been a fairly subtle guidance; moments of clear thinking, a fairly instinctual thing. You could miss it if you weren’t paying attention. I did miss it for many years. Recently though something is different. I can’t figure out if I am just paying attention better or it’s surrounding myself with more positivity. Spending less time on social media and generally prioritising what I need as a human, to be happy and to be effective and affective in my own life and in those lives that count on me for something. I have been praying more and reading bits from the Bible too. Spending time contemplating and maybe all this openness is allowing me to hear better (oh the irony when I am supposed to wear hearing aids… Mum, I am wearing them, honest!).
Anyway, a few slightly spooky things have been happening that have amplified the guidance. Now this is where I worry about sharing. I know that skeptics – and I know enough of them – will either laugh and roll their eyes or they will be concerned for me. I don’t wish for that but nevertheless, it’s something I think about. I have decided to go ahead simply because it’s my truth and I’m sort of done with hiding the most important parts of myself away, simply for worry of what people may say or think. So this is it, where before guidance was subtle and almost completely internal, recently I have had external things happening. For example, I have a Bible app on my phone. It has been sending me a daily quote which at first was just a nice notification to get, then one day a couple of weeks ago I was sitting on my bed struggling with Fibro pain. I couldn’t have even told you what was hurting because it was as if the pain was a shuttle train riding the rails of my nerves; I didn’t know how I was going to go downstairs and carry on with my day. Next to me my phone buzzed and this quote flashed up on the screen:
“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.”
~ James, 5:15
So I prayed. Now I’m not going to be claiming to be healed or even that my pain disappeared, it didn’t. What happened in that beautiful moment was that I was reminded that if I ask, help will be provided. In that moment I felt my strength recharge, I knew that this pain is not stronger than me. I’ve always known this, but I needed the reminder. This has happened several times in different situations over the last couple of weeks. I know I have no idea how these things work but surely an algorithm can’t detect what is happening in my mind and hand-pick the exact right thing to say?
Today it happened again, this time I was with a friend. We had been chatting about a difficult experience I have been having recently. I had said that I feel like it’s taken so much of my attention and I felt like I was finding it difficult to lead with love because even though the emotion of love is there I worry that there’s too much negativity involved to get through. Then…. buzzz… we both look and both of our mouths drop….
“Set your affection on things above, not on the earth.”
~ Colossians 3:2
Yes, I had a spooky thing that made it clear to me that I needed to quit my job, I may share this another time, maybe in my book. It’s not just been this magical app thats been spooking me, but it is the most “in ya face” thing. I’d love to know other people’s experiences with “signs” or guidance (at the risk of sounding like a Jeremy Kyle ad). If you or anyone you know has an experience they would like to share please comment below or email me at [email protected]
Love and Blessings,
Loopy Laura xx