Heyyyy yooooooooo!
Hope you’re all well this very hot week! Here’s a YouTube music video to accompany your reading, bear with me all will make sense by the end!….
So a couple of things I want to update y’all on this week… I am changing the day I release this blog every week from Sunday to Monday (lets choose to ignore that this release is a Tuesday!). This is just so I can hopefully give you something to look forward to and alleviate them ‘good ol’’ Monday Blues. Staying on my health/fundraising journey has been tough this week. Through feeling exhausted from the heat that I was not made to tolerate, and being all over the place between walking/being mum/work etc. I have also felt really hungry/craving so have had more naughties than normal. I am about to go to get weighed after writing this so will find out if I did enough to have a loss. I mostly stayed on track thanks to a friend on the Facebook group… there’s lots of nice people at this group… that I just needed to give myself the chance to know. The walking challenge has been really tough too, but I feel confident with 9 days left this month I will have at least completed a third of the Million Steps!
I do have an apology to make to you Lovely Life Livers. My spelling and grammar was atrocious last week!…. I did check it and got the hubs to read it too. I think exhaustion got us both! I will do my utmost to ensure this doesn’t happen again! Thank you sooooo much if you managed to read it through!
Calling Myself Out!
Actually, that’s a whole heap of “glossing” happening when I’m trying to explain why my spelling etc wasn’t what it should be! So this is MY TRUTH…. Fibromyalgia affected my performance. There that wasn’t so hard to admit right?! Pfft… well we don’t actually have the time in a blog post to dive into the maze my mind would take us into.
All this apologising is probably making you wonder “why on earth is this blog post called Unapologetic if all she’s going to do is apologise?!”
So my hubs wisely advised me “Only say what you would be prepared to say in front of a room full of people”… well here we go!
Ok, *5,4,3,2,1* I currently have to be around several people that generally keep a negative cloud that floats around in their general vicinity that randomly rains down on those around. This is normal right… we all have negative ninny’s to deal with…. It’s life. That’s fine until that negative ninny leaves an area of your life that you work soooo hard to maintain insecure, or the positives that keep the situation balanced dwindle.
The good news… No ninny will ever decide my actions. Just because some people take a disliking to me, that will not lead to me apologising for me. Apologies are for when an action of yours was wrong NOT for not behaving how someone else expects you to or for not allowing someone to dictate what your actions should be. This is my general Truth… We haven’t the time to go into specifics but I am happy to answer direct questions… I am also happy to say any of this to a room of people… well apart from the fact I have never done such a thing as public speaking and would probably melt from anxiety. Hopefully, the words would be out before the melting occurred.
If you read last weeks blog… and still wanted to read this! Then you will know that there was something that happened last week at work that I decided to save for this week to save the blog post turning into a dissertation! So since becoming a Christian I have developed an obsession with the moments that Christians have where they can’t deny their faith any longer. I will share my moment with you one day…
I have found (to my surprise) that actually a lot of my clients are comfortable enough with their own faith or non faith to be interested enough in my excitement over this part of my journey. So this particular client had shown interest and I went on, while mostly looking down at her hands to work on her nails, to tell her about someone I met through my church and her moment. Her moment happened when she ended up in Coventry Cathedral taking part in a course. The people running the course said they wouldn’t be “doing” anything with the first session… simply there if someone needed them but otherwise people were to just enjoy the Cathedral and take it in; get to know the building and soak in the atmosphere; pray if the notion took them etc. So she sat in the middle of the Cathedral, overwhelmed by some tricky stuff going on in her life. She sat and prayed… asking for one thing…. “God, if you’re there, send someone to pray with me“, a moment later a person from each side of the room walked to her, knelt beside her and silently, they prayed together… When they stopped praying, and with tears now streaming she asked “why did you come to me?” they responded by saying they simply felt compelled too.
When I finally finished the re-telling and looked up my client had watery eyes and thanked me for sharing, that she had been feeling “something” recently and she was going to investigate this further. As a Christian it obviously is a responsibility to share my faith… but I don’t expect that everyone will have the same faith I do. Our journey’s are all different and this is partly why the world is so beautiful. A lot of the time people I speak to don’t have the same faith I do, but I listen without judgment just the same as I request from anyone who listens to me. There’s one thing I believe we should all have in common; whichever faith or those just trying to be a decent human… judgement free kindness.
Cher said it best….
Love and Understanding, Loopy Laura xx
P.S. So back to slimming club… tonight was a massive turn around for me. I had enjoyed the previous classes but I didn’t feel like I was part of that group. This week was different as more than the leader and the well intentioned misfirer recognised me and spoke to me. I may be starting to get over what I am going to call my “paddywhack” over not being able to go to my previous group. My heart is starting to open to these people and even Miss Firer makes me smile to think of now. Patience and not judging too soon is definitely the lesson learnt here. Plus, I got my half stone award AND slimmer of the week!
You are amazing. I am blessed to witness your journey. Xx
You are part of this journey! Xx